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The World Computer vision

The Internet, Today

In today’s world, the internet has become as ubiquitous and familiar as having a TV set or a mobile phone. The youth of today have, in fact, never known a world without the web.

Today’s internet offers much functionality. People can book travel, pay bills, stream entertainment, play online games, and so much more. No one can deny that the internet enables a world of possibility.

The problem with the current system, however, is centralization. Access to the internet is controlled by centralized entities, Big Tech if you will, whose combined databases hold information for billions of users worldwide. In other words, these big players exert exclusive control over their platforms, while users have little or no agency. These big players also control the infrastructure upon which the internet is built. Anyone intending to create applications is subject to intermediaries’ fees and reliance on legacy IT systems. In the long run, this is costly, restricts creativity and functionality, and creates inherently vulnerable systems because of centralization.

The Internet, Tomorrow

Decentralization emerges as the obvious solution to these drawbacks. The introduction of decentralized protocols built on blockchain technology restores end-user agency and removes the cumbersome and expensive reliance on legacy intermediaries and traditional and proprietary IT systems.

The Internet Computer (IC) goes one step beyond by realizing the vision of a World Computer. That is, the extension of the internet’s functionality so that it becomes a universal platform upon which new and novel systems can be built without the need for centralized intermediaries. The IC achieves this through a blockchain network that uses node machines operating from datacenters worldwide, creating a fast, seamless, and scalable network. The IC extends the internet’s technology stack, enabling developers and other creators to build dapps and other systems directly on the blockchain.